From Scenario Framework to confirmed demand
You can find out more about the complex process for determining grid expansion requirements at:
Since 2012, in accordance with the German Energy Industry Act, the four transmission system operators (TSOs) have been responsible for drawing up a Network Development Plan Electricity (NDP) for the expansion of the overland transmission network. In addition, the TSOs were also made responsible for producing the Offshore Network Development Plan (O-NDP) for the first time in 2013.
With the amendment of the German Energy Industry Act that came into effect on 28 December 2012, a systemic change was initiated with regard to the connection of offshore wind energy to the grid. The O-NDP 2023 is the first plan to depict the regulated expansion of the offshore energy infrastructure. The O-NDP contains all the measures required to create an efficient, secure, reliable and economically viable connection to offshore power facilities. Both Network Development Plans (NDP and O-NDP 2023) are based on the scenario framework for 2023 as approved by the German Federal Network Agency.
The first drafts of the Network Development Plan and the Offshore Network Development Plan 2023 were published on 2 March 2013. Between 2 March and 14 April, the general public were given the opportunity to submit their responses to these first drafts. The contributions from the consultation process were then incorporated into the second drafts. The revised drafts of the Network Development Plans were published on 17 July 2013 and presented to the Federal Network Agency. The Federal Network Agency approved the NDP and the O-NDP on 19 December 2013.
From the O-NDP 2030 (2017) onwards, the Offshore Network Development Plan is to be replaced by the Offshore Site Development Plan, which will be produced by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency.
You can find German documents about the NDP and O-NDP 2023 below; individual documents are also available in English. The Network Development Plan Electricity and the Offshore Network Development Plan 2023 are only available in German. For more detailed information, please see the German website.
Scenario Framework for NDP/O-NDP 2023
Scenario Framework 2023 documents (in German)
NDP/O-NDP 2023
1st draft
NDP 2023 first draft documents (in German)
O-NDP 2023 first draft documents (in German)
NDP/O-NDP 2023
2nd draft
NDP 2023 second draft documents (in German)
NDP 2023 second draft documents (in English)
O-NDP 2023 second draft documents (in German)
O-NDP 2023 second draft documents (in English)
Confirmation of
NDP/O-NDP 2023
More about BNetzA confirmation (in German)
Learn more about the confirmation of the Network Development Plan on the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) website.
Confirmation of NDP/O-NDP 2023 (in German)