On 28 June 2024, the transmission system operators (TSOs) submitted their draft of the Scenario Framework for the Network Development Plan (NDP) 2037/2045 (2025) to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). In the next step, the BNetzA will publish the draft and make it accessible for public consultation.
Scenario Framework for NDP 2037/2045 (2025)
With the draft Scenario Framework for the NDP 2037/2045 (2025), the TSOs have for the second time developed a database that takes into account different technical solutions and different speeds on the path to greenhouse gas neutrality. In this draft, the TSOs again present three scenarios for each of the years 2037 and 2045. These scenarios depict the range of probable developments for the future electricity supply in Germany and Europe.
The resulting Scenario Framework to be approved by the BNetzA forms the basis for planning the grid expansion in the next NDP. Compared to the previous Scenario Framework, there have been a number of further developments: The amendment to the Energy Industry Act harmonises the process flow in the network development plans for electricity, gas and hydrogen. For the first time, this provides the opportunity to synchronise the respective scenarios in line with sector coupling. The framework for this is provided by the system development strategy of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
Documents relating to the Scenario Framework for download