The four transmission system operators (TSOs) update the Network Development Plan Electricity (NDP) every two years in consultation with the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). This ensures that the NDP meets current social, economic, technical and political requirements. Take a closer look at the latest NDP.
Latest publication
Network Development Plan 2037/2045 (2025)
On 28 June 2024, the transmission system operators (TSOs) submitted their draft of the Scenario Framework for the Network Development Plan (NDP) 2037/2045 (2025) to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). In the next step, the BNetzA will publish the draft and make it accessible for public consultation.
Latest downloads
Previous publication
Network Development Plan 2037/2045 (2023)
The transmission system operators (TSOs) submitted the draft of the Scenario Framework for the Network Development Plan Electricity (NDP) 2037/2045 (2023) to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) on 10 January 2022. The Federal Network Agency published the draft of the Scenario Framework on 17 January and released it for public consultation. On 8 July 2022, the Federal Network Agency approved the Scenario Framework. This document is binding for the market and grid calculations of the TSOs in the next Network Development Plan Electricity.
The transmission system operators (TSOs) published the first draft of the Network Development Plan Electricity (NDP) 2037/2045 (2023) on 24 March 2023. The public consultation on the first draft of the Network Development Plan Electricity 2037/2045 (2023) has been closed since 26 April 2023. The four transmission system operators incorporated the received comments into the second draft of the NDP, which was published on 12 June. On 6 September 2023, the transmission system operators published the accompanying document on system stability.
With the adoption of the amendment to the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) in December 2023, TSOs will no longer be obliged to submit an implementation report to the BNetzA.
Downloads for the NDP 2037/2045 (2023)